Illustration of a character which protects a file behind a shield and a lock

Privacy by Design

Even before our founding, we at Proxeuse have been convinced of the need for better privacy protection of users on the Internet. Consequently, it has become one of our core values. We will always do everything possible to protect the privacy of our customers.

Illustration of a computer screen with a lock on it


At Proxeuse, we are aware of the importance of encryption. That's why we have a policy that mandates the use of SSL/TLS certificates on every website on our systems. In addition, we ensure encryption of files stored on our infrastructure. Everything to prevent data from falling into the wrong hands. We are also working hard to introduce encryption to emerging domains such as email.

Flag of the European Union

European Quality

Thanks in part to the European Union, privacy protection is higher on the priority list of consumers and businesses around the world. Our data processing is 100% covered by the General Data Protection Regulation, the strictest privacy law in the world. Everything to ensure that your privacy is guaranteed. Keep your data in the European Union to ensure the best safety.

Illustration of an board saying 'OPEN'

Open Source

At Proxeuse, we prefer the use of open-source software, which means software whose code is transparent to everyone. Because of that we're able to keep better track of where your data ends up. In case no viable software solution exists we try to develop it ourselves or at least host it ourselves. Always with the conviction that your data should stay yours no matter what.

Illustration of a character using a key to unlock her digital account on a phone

Strict Policies

Within our organization, we have strict rules to ensure security. For example, we enforce the use of strong passwords throughout all systems, mandate two-factor authentication and use internal VPNs in public networks. Our employees are also all very knowledgeable in recognizing spam or malware.

Web Standards